Free Resources


Download your free printable resources here!

I've got a free resource for you to download to help in your journey of rest and reconnection. Click here to download it now! We work through some of the issues you may have encountered and ways you can find intentional rest and connection with yourself, your family, and God! 

Renewing Your Mind - For a list of specific Bible verses that will help you begin the process to think and approach your life differently CLICK HERE

Money can be a frustrating and even hard topic to not lay down your peace of mind for, and here here are my favorite Bible verses that can help you heal and Repair Your Money Mindset. Click HERE to download it now!


Download your #WalkinginWorth statement exercise here!

"If you defend your limitation you get to keep them". STOP IT! Stop holding yourself back, get out of your own way and live into your true calling!

One tool you can use to retrain your brain to be more positive is to use “Walking in Worth” statements and read them out loud daily. Here’s the link to download and write your own to use yourself!  These are the TRUTHS you know and need to be reminded of on a daily basis of who you are and who you are becoming. If you haven’t listened to the podcast yet, head over to hear my own declarations!

Let’s Find Your Ideal Client!

It's time to learn more about WHO your ideal client is and HOW you can serve them. When you're defining your personal brand, it's important to consider what solution you provide. If you keep the focus on the problem that you solve, that helps your community the most. Always sell your solution, not a product! When a customer can connect with you and your story, it's more powerful.

Wait, what's an ideal client?! Ohhhh great question... And we're going to solve that today too! Here's the link for my freebie on how to determine who your ideal client is and how you can best serve them.

Ready to see how you can avoid burnout in your own life?

Let's take control of our schedules and work on staying refreshed! As busy entrepreneurs who work, work, work it can easily lead to burnout.  I’ve found for myself and many of the leaders on my team that what may seem counterproductive at first is the most important piece to success.  REST.  Also connection and awareness with your spouse, yourself and God.  We often need to slow down, to speed up. 

Check out the freebie to see some practical ways to avoid burnout in your life too! 

Ready to view your life with 20/20 vision?

When you’re #walkinginworth you’ll have a confident and clear 20/20 vision of who you are, what you’re good at and the difference you can make in this world.

Your subconscious is going to try to convince you that you're not good enough, smart enough, strong enough... If you think that you don't deserve happiness, success, or healthy relationships your subconscious won't let you have them. You will not out earn what you believe yourself to be, so let's intentionally write a new story!