About Jessica


Hi everyone!  You are not here by accident, I don’t believe in that and neither do you.  

I’m Jessica Hefley, Certified John Maxwell Team Speaker, Trainer and Coach who’s been featured in Success From Home Magazine and am a top earning millionaire and industry expert for over 8 years in Network Marketing. I started out as a small town girl probably just like you, growing up lower/middle class where wealth was never even on my radar.  It may have been a wish but I never believed it was possible for me. In fact if I”m being honest I down right judged it as wrong, but God had a bigger plan.  

I thought all I ever wanted was to be a stay at home mom…until that got boring and lonely.  My husband traveled for work all the time, I felt like a single mom and we were drowning in debt. I spent months “googling” ways to make money from home and believing there had to be a better way.  Well, when you ask God to provide, be ready to do something unconventional to propel you into His purpose.  

I went from a life of doubt, debt and distractions to finding my true worth and leading thousand to transform their bank account, health and thought life for purposes greater than themselves too.  Christians don’t need to shy away from money or their gifting! 

By increasing my self worth, I drastically increased my net worth and I’m here to help you drop the guilt over having more of both.  More income = more impact and I’ll show you how!  Leader are not avoiders.  You’re not broken, you just may currently have a broken way of thinking and I’m honored to help you break free!  We’ll design your life with intention, creating boundaries and taking action so you can have more time, money and connection in your life.  You can bring home the bacon AND have balance!

After working with me and following the advise from my podcast and upcoming courses more peace, profits and purpose are inevitable.  The only thing blocking them is YOU. So let’s get to the bottom of your resistance and find freedom to soar. 

“You live into the story you tell yourself, and only you have the power to re-write it.”

If you want to learn more about how I made my first millions with network marketing click here.

Here’s my instagram to follow along with all my day to day fun!