101| Silent Retreat To 10x Your Life.

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Hello welcome back to the Prosperity With Purpose podcast. I am Jessica Hefley, and I'm going to tell you all about my silent retreat. I went on a silent retreat. Well first of all, let me start with this. Yes, a silent retreat to help 10 x my life. That may seem counterintuitive to go to a silent retreat to 10 x your life and business but yet it is 1 of the most helpful things I've done. I am so on a 10 x is easier than two x kick it trance. It was the it's one of the most expansive books I have ever read. And I don’t know if some of it had to do it. It was the right time for me and but this has just put so much things into perspective on how to dial down get clearer not put all of my attention on the loudest things right now right? But what's the most important to accomplish the vision that God has for my life in my business and it requires a lot of like it's not 10 x is easier than two x is because most people think 2 x is like, “Oh I'm already like hustling and healing doing all the things. I'm working so, so, so, so hard just to bare ever grow my business. I can't imagine how hard 10 x would be but actually it's a completely different way to think live a completely different vision for your life. A completely different way to evolve through every stage of your life. I just love it. I'm leading it with a handful of my leaders on my Plexus team. We're doing a book study with a larger group on my Plexus team in May. I'm even training on it at our company's convention. So it's like I love this book. But anyways so the silent retreat. Let me read you a little quote from this oldie but a goodie book, “Celebration of Discipline” by Robert Foster. Is it Robert Roger Robert Robert Foster? Anyway so we go in com temporary society our adversary majors in 3 things. Noise, hurry and crowds if he can keep us engaged in muchness and mininess he will rest satisfied. This is adversary hurry is not of the devil. It is the devil. Okay I'm go say it. But if if the adversary majors in 3 things noise, hurry and crowds. So when the invitation came up for me to attend a silent retreat, you know I am such an introvert. I love the spiritual disciplines. If you're not familiar spiritual disciplines. This is a really great book. It's an old book celebration of discipline. Practicing the way is a newer John Comer, I believe kind of has these concepts in a newer more relevant way. But really, they're not laws. They're not requirements. They're just ways to deepen your relationship with the Lord. There's certain things that you can do to help hear from him more to help obey more just they're like you're just disciplines to help grow and strengthen your spiritual journey. So some examples of some of them are like prayer meditation fasting study simplicity silence solitude submission service confession, worship guidance celebration. Okay, this is like anyway silence is solitude I love stuff like this because I just I believe that it is such a balance of grace and truth. I love Holy Spirit stuff but I also love the truth and grace. A mixture of truth and grace together I think are so important to have balance. But anyways, okay so my friend Danielle she went to one, to a silent retreat. I'd never been to a silent retreat before. I did used to 2 years it's been two years now which is why I felt this coming on very strongly. I used to go on silent retreat solo retreats by myself once or twice a year. And but I had noticed that it had been almost two years since I had gone on one and I was feeling out of that rhythm. I would go I would go get like I would go to big cedar for three days usually 3 nights is ideal. But sometimes it was just 2 nights I would go to the spa I would take walks, I would get on the paddle boats, I'd go eat restaurants by myself, I'd order room service, I would journal work on some work, maybe watch a movie I wanted to watch. It was so refilling to me so I was planning on doing one in April anyways. But what Danielle wanted to take me wanted to go to lunch and tell me all about an experience that she had, and I was thinking, “Ah I was so like a retreat with other people.” She had just had this transformative experience and the Lord was asking her to be obedient. And leading one and so I was like well oh my gosh I love that you've had such this experience I would love to go. I was going to plan on a getaway and going in one in April. Anyways so yes and it just was like oh I can't and then it was that this was like two months ago, I'm like I can't wait. Is it time to go yet? I've got so much stuff going on. Is it time to go yet. And I immediately texted a bunch of my close friends and just told him about it invited up to him and a handful of them ended up going, so we get there. We can get there and I'm a little nervous, like I'm ready to start quietness but people are talking to each other. So we go to our rooms and I went with one of my really close friends Tamara Holloway, Tama Watson. I have two tamers in my life. We got our room together and then we ate dinner and people are chit-chatting and I'm just like I'm ready for asylum, and so we worship. And then she has us turn in our phones and turn in our watches which is one of the most things I was excited about the most because I've gone on solo retreats. But I've still had my phone. I've still had a concept of time. I've still scrolled social media I've still been distracted by those things. This retreat was no distractions, and I was so excited about it. Just excited to give my brain my body the space removing distractions allows creativity and we so often don't have that in our life because we are distracted by so many things. So. It was glorious I did not know what time it was I woke up and I didn't know what time it was and so I was like oh well I see the sun shutting through I'll go downstairs and breakfast was not out yet. So I was like okay it must be earlier than breakfast. So I got my Bible I'm doing the Bible recap - reading through the Bible in six months. I got ahead on some Bible reading out on the back porch. It was this beautiful cabin, a beautiful wood log cabin. Caught up on some of my reading, ate breakfast then no went on a walk they had like this prayer walk but out in the woods. We had a couple stops with different scripts scriptures you could contemplate. Think about down by the stream nature aquate. There is something about nature - side note did you know as a recovering perfectionist and you may know why being in nature is so soothing to everybody, but especially I believe personalities like mine because think about this. When you're in a house or in a building or in somewhere else and you notice oh that that picture on the wall is crooked. Let me fix that something's wrong there, let fix or there's like clutter on the counter or kid stuff on the floor, toys on the floor and you're just thinking that doesn't belong. There. Let me clean that I need that that doesn't feel peaceful that doesn't belong. That's not how it's supposed to be and there's just always these constant thoughts of how can I improve this. How can I make this better when you are in nature. It is how it is supposed to be when you are walking through the woods and there's a tree down or there's limbs down or there's weeds in the Woods. You're not thinking. Oh let me fix that oh I got to go take care of that I need to improve that. No, it's just In. You're just in awe of God's Beauty. Which is it is just so peaceful. That is why you'll find so much peace being out in nature because you don't have to fix anything. Everything is just as it is supposed to be, and it's beautiful. Anyway, so going through this prayer walk in the woods just like giddy. It's the sun is shining. It was supposed to be colder and rainy ended up being really nice, and I'm just like what isn't. Next Lord, “What do you have for me next?” and it was just like how long I didn't have anywhere to go I was no hurry. Nothing was rushed. Everything was calm and peaceful and personal and intimate with the Lord end up doing that prayer walk again the next morning and just like singing old hymns. Like from my childhood from the church I grew up in it just came up and I just started singing them anyways and so and since spent some time praying. I spent some time reading. I brought my hammock. I went on a different hike, and I found the perfect hammock spot and set that up and I read a book. I was so excited about reading again, “Two Kinds of Righteousness”. One of my most favorite books if you ever are living under condemnation or just such a hard critic of yourself or others or just thinking you're not good enough for God or thinking you're not good enough for others that's a great book I can put that in the show notes I ended up falling asleep. Think I woke myself up in the hammock from snoring my ru because my mouth was wide open hoping didn't swallow any bugs. But anyways, it just was so nice to I didn't know what time it was again and so starting to get dark. I was like oh I should probably head back to the house it’s starting to get dark. I have no idea what time it is. I get back to the cabin and dinner was over, so I got the leftovers out of the fridge, and just went down by the campfire just all of these beautiful things. But I also spent a couple I don't know couple hours maybe on the front porch. I don't know I have no concept of time. I'm doing a what I'm going to teach you what to do a brain dump. Okay, this is how the silent retreat actually helped me 10 x my life. This is a super tangible time management tip for you and something that I enjoyed doing and had the time and the space to do so you may have heard of brain dumps before right? Just getting everything out on paper. But so I got a new notebook. Specifically for those retreats to help organize my life I've got like multiple business, so I kind of have my Plexus business, my podcasting and coaching business, and I like a space for just my personal journaling or when I get personally coached to have those and then we also have Graybeard Ammo and can tell sportsman but those are I'm I'm more hands off on those anyways so I was brain dumping here's here's what hair's Im to teach you. You guys are probably brain dump before but i'ma teach you something a little bit more specific and a little bit more 10 x okay because the brain dump is a long list. I literally wrote everything that I want to do in my business. Both businesses, I have two separate lists. I have my Plexus business and am I coaching a podcast business like everything I want to get done. Everything that I've wanted to do that I haven't had time to do. Everything that I want to do, but I don't have the right person hired in that position yet to accomplish that just everything and in light of my goals for both of those. Okay, you have to know what your 10 x goals for both of those things are not just like brain dump for the sake of brain dump. Ah, go ahead and yes, brain dump for the sake of brain dump but also brain dump in light of what are your 10 X Goals what is the vision for where you are headed. Okay, so keeping that in mind is that's probably going to add some things to that brain dump list that you're not currently doing. So anyways I totally brain dumped it is a very, very, very long, this list. Okay step 2 I then took everything on that list and delegated it at it into a list of either. These are the things that only I can do. These are the things I'm gonna delegate to my v a or just hired like a full c o operations company to to like oh streamline everything I'm so excited to start with them in may we are 10 x in all areas of our life. Everybody I'm so excited about it. So I made a list of the things only I can do I can delegate to some my current assistants or what I am going to talk to this new company about taking care of for me. Okay, so there we go not done yet the step 2 now in light of all of those things I love to break things down into twelve week goals, ninety days. We teach this twelve week breakthroughs within my Prosperity With Purpose Mentorship program. It is a very strategic framework to accomplish goals within ninety days extra. Focused extra intentional going down to with our thoughts going down anticipating the hard or bad things that are going to happen ahead of time. It's very detailed, very structured but very beautifully in depth to actually help you help you accomplish goals in the nineteen days. So I then put those lists down into things that my ninety days the next 12 my next twelve weeks like what are the things that I really want to accomplish and focus within this next twelve days then my new easy scaling company taught me this break it down even further into two week sprints. This is so important the two week sprint sprints make powerful decisions and prioritize so often we are 2x ing our life. We are doing the things that are loudest the things that we like enjoy doing or have always done did do without without even thinking if they're helping us accomplish our bigger goals or not but your two weeks sprints are those things that are the most important most valuable need to get done the quickest and prioritizing those into the next two weeks and that is what you focus on ladies and gentlemen. In the next two weeks you don't touch the brain dump list. We just want to keep going to oh but I want to do this on my brain dump list or I want to do this or I want to do this or I mean I've always wanted to do know what do you need to get done in the next two weeks keep your focus on the focus ladies and gentlemen. And so at my silent retreat even though I enjoyed beautiful time praying with God and reading scripture, reading a book walking just having the space to not be in a hurry, not having the pressure of a deadline. I also really, really enjoyed doing this activity and helping my brain now that I'm home back on Monday work on the priority list from my from the two weeks sprints, so this little tip for you guys. You can do that activity. But also again and always may you set aside time to rest to refresh to be rejuvenated to not have the pressure of a deadline to hear from the Lord on what he wants you to do in your life and business. To get downloaded supernatural ideas or strategies of things to implement or ways to market or how to sell what you offer how to get clear on who you are and what you're here to do on this world allow yourself that space but then remember that go back to those elevated thoughts. Go back to that two week sprint list and get her done son because that will be working from a place of purpose because you are a person of purpose who lives on purpose so very quickly. Brain dump, figure out. Do some delegation then figure out what activities will you need to do in the next ninety days, twelve weeks and then what are the first things the most important things in the next two weeks sprint that you need to get done that you need to make a powerful decision to focus and prioritize and get done and do that first. 10 x is easier than 2 x but it requires focus and intention and you can do it. We'll see you next week guys